"Market Wise has been a very big benefit to our customers. They have probably kept one of our customers in business by returning a lot to their bottom line. It has helped customers improve financial stability by following their advice. Market Wise is in it for the long haul, not speculative, but giving sound advice to minimize risk and maximize return." - Senior Vice President - West Central Iowa Bank
"Market Wise has one of the best programs we've worked with and it's definitely the most farmer-friendly and individualized. They really tailor a plan to fit our customers' specific needs rather than working with a large group. I highly encourage our producers to work with them. Customers ask our advice and we turn them over to Jon and Brian to handle it for us. It saves us time as a company and it's better for our customers to have more individualized care. Jon and Brian are specialists, do one job and do it very well." - Commodity Trading Advisor - Large Midwest Cooperative
"Brian calls me every Tuesday at 10. It's a great comfort to my husband and me with the plan we've set up. He has the master plan and we continue to tailor that. Whether I'm at work, traveling for a meeting, or I'm with the kids I don't miss opportunities because he's looking out for us. We're much more proactive and we don't react to the market any more - we're meeting and maintaining goals with risk management and protection. I am definitely happier with how things are going and feel much better about marketing than I did a year ago. I feel like we have a competitive advantage." - Jamie, Central Iowa
"It's the best marketing I've ever had since I started farming in 1977. They've led me to look at the total picture worldwide, not just in my own county. I've made some good decisions to show an excellent return on investment for my bottom line." - Jerry, Northwest Iowa
"I like their conservative, defensive approach to marketing. They're knowledgeable and very easy to work with. They take the time to go over everything very thoroughly. If Jon's not available we can talk to Brian and they do a good job of keeping each other in the loop." - Bob and Brian, A Family Livestock and Crop Operation, Central, Minnesota
"They've given me some very good ideas. They're very good people and Jon's helped me a lot in my marketing." - Randy, Northwest Iowa
"I've worked with a few other brokers before but now I know my costs better. We've put together and fine tuned a marketing plan with strategies that have helped our farm income. That hasn't happened in the past with other brokers. He comes out for farm visits two or three times a year to meet one-on-one. If someone were considering working with Market Wise I'd be happy to give them a call or put a call into Jon for them. That's how satisfied I am." Kevin, Southwest Minnesota
"He lets you call the shots but makes you aware of every situation. I have the final say and the information we gather from previous years is helpful. Other guys call and react and tell you what to do and you don't get anywhere. They're very friendly and accommodating with how you like to conduct your business - certainly not pushy." - Jeff, Central Minnesota
"They're wonderful people to work with and their program has added to improve my operation by 25%. I'm always telling other people about them and how their plan will really boost their bottom line. They do a good job both in marketing and with farmer relationships." - Brian, Southwest Minnesota
"It has been great giving me a different perspective and a lot of ideas. He can work with somebody with no hedging experience to someone who has done it a lot. They help me make a profit." - Greg, Central Kansas
"I have learned a lot while working with Brian - he's made me some money. They're both nice, easy guys to deal with. The cost to do business with Market Wise is more than offset by the benefits." - Merlyn, Southwest Minnesota
"They're conservative approach fits us better. I like the research and numbers based advice rather than a quick gut check or wild speculation. They're very professional - I would highly recommend Market Wise." - Andy, Central Minnesota
"Ag commodity prices have and will continue to be more volatile. This type of market situation increases profit potential and emothional frustration by farmers trying to manage their sales and purchases. Unlike almost all of the other market adviosry services, they are less concerned about predicting prices; instead, they focus on managing risk and profits." - Mark, Southwest Minnesota